Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary DIG! XX using the untimed birth charts of the two protagonists, musicians Courtney Taylor-Taylor...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Igualada using politician Francia Marquez’s untimed birth chart. Emerging themes include...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary And So It Begins using the untimed birth chart of one of the major protagonists of the film, Nobel...
Wonder and Kent discuss the innovative participatory experience, Being (the Digital Griot), which features an AI run on datasets from Black...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary, Love Machina, which tracks the fantastical dreams of billionaire, Martine Rothblatt, as she...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary, Eternal You, which tracks new and emerging technologies designed to keep our loved ones with us...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary The Remarkable Life of Ibelin using the untimed birth charts of both the director, Benjamin Ree...