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Meet Your Hosts

alt="Two pairs of feet rest on an ottoman in front of a large TV. On the screen in is a silver screen title card in 1940's font that reads: Story All The Way Down with Kent Bye and Wonder Bright"

The married podcasting team of Kent Bye and Wonder Bright use astrology as a narrative tool to understand stories. For thousands of years people have used astrology to make sense of the world. This ongoing, global project provides a strong framework for describing the human experience and Kent and Wonder have long debated how it might work as a means to understand films, books, and television. This podcast is their attempt to settle that debate.

Kent Bye (he/him) is best known for his podcast on virtual reality, Voices of VR. Since May of 2014, he has conducted nearly 1,500 interviews featuring the pioneering artists, storytellers, and technologists driving the resurgence of virtual & augmented reality. He’s a philosopher, oral historian, & experiential journalist helping to define the patterns of immersive storytelling, experiential design, & the ultimate potential of XR.

Wonder Bright (she/her) is an astrologer using ancient techniques to arrive at mostly modern conclusions. Long before the astro bug bit her she was a theater nerd so she can’t help but use astrology in service to story. No other structure she’s found is quite so useful for understanding the motivations of the human soul. She’s featured on, quoted in Quartz, and for a couple years she wrote a column for The Mountain Astrologer. You can find her at

alt="close-up of the table in the morning nook where Kent and Wonder eat their meals and record their podcast. The chairs are angled outwards, inviting the listener to have a seat and join the conversation"

The couple’s first conversation happened in 2014 at an astrology conference. Kent interviewed Wonder about a photography project she created and she thought then she’d never met anyone who listened as intently as he did. Still, a year passed before they met up again and fell in love. Within three months Wonder moved to Portland from LA and they’ve been talking ever since.