This Indigo Girls biopic explores their musical career in the face of sexism and homophobia, but also their evolution as activists focusing...
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View allA psychological investigation of isolation from the perspective of NASA scientists studying long-range space missions. We break down THE...
This biopic documents the systematic erasure of Little Richard's contributions to Rock 'n Roll while exploring the internal tension between...
A wild journey investigating what happened to a NYC video store archive that blends film essay, non-fiction, & other genres. We break down...
An experimental film that asks us to listen in a new way, d/Deaf director Alison O’Daniel uses captions as a third narrative space. We...
Activists work to inform people about emergency contraception options for self-managed abortions, which drastically changes in the wake of...
Making a podcast wasn't on my bingo card a month ago, but Kent has a way of making things happen. He had a virtual press pass for Sundance...