Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary The Remarkable Life of Ibelin using the untimed birth charts of both the director, Benjamin Ree, and his subject, Mats Steen. Themes that emerge are living with a fatal degenerative disease, living a secret...
Wonder and Kent discuss the episodic documentary series, ConBody vs Everybody, a series that follows Coss Marte as he creates a fitness enterprise, ConBody, based on workouts he developed while incarcerated. Emerging themes include exile and...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Frida using the timed birth chart of artist Frida Kahlo. Themes that emerge are the desire to create beauty and meaning out of loss and darkness, the need to exert one’s autonomy in the face of near...
Kent and Wonder discuss the poetic non-fiction film, Gaucho Gaucho, which traces a small community of Gauchos living with their horses and families against the backdrop of the vast plains of Argentina. Emerging themes include caring for the land...
Kent and Wonder discuss the artful and personal documentary, The Mother of All Lies, which explores the 1981 Casablanca Bread Riots through the family of the director, who pushes her family to remember and recount this pivotal event despite their...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat which covers the political machinations behind the 1961 assassination of Congolese leader, Patrice Lumumba. Emerging themes include secret plots, obfuscation, Jazz as a visual...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Daughters, which follows four young girls as they prepare for a special father daughter dance with their incarcerated fathers. Themes that emerged were exile and punishment, loss of innocence, fatherhood and...
Kent and Wonder discuss the essay style documentary Power, about US policing and its historical roots using the untimed birth chart of director, Yance Ford. Emerging themes include racism, the worth of identifying systemic and ongoing harms, the...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Agent of Happiness, which is about an agent of the (Buddhist) Bhutanese government tasked with going door to door to take the measure of people’s happiness. Themes that arise are the worth of reflecting...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Sugarcane about the reckoning on the Sugarcane reserve following an investigation into abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school. Emerging themes include intergenerational trauma visited upon...