Kent and Wonder discuss the non-fiction short, Bob’s Funeral, a funny and touching story of two family funerals told in first-person by filmmaker, Jack Dunphy. Emerging themes include generational humor, generational trauma, the way that humor...
Wonder and Kent discuss the immersive non-fiction film, Nocturnes, which follows scientists up a remote region of the Himalayas on the hunt for moths. Emerging themes include biodiversity in the midst of climate change, tracking those changes using...
Kent and Wonder discuss the poetic non-fiction film, Gaucho Gaucho, which traces a small community of Gauchos living with their horses and families against the backdrop of the vast plains of Argentina. Emerging themes include caring for the land...
Kent and Wonder discuss the artful and personal documentary, The Mother of All Lies, which explores the 1981 Casablanca Bread Riots through the family of the director, who pushes her family to remember and recount this pivotal event despite their...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary, Battle for Laikipia, which follows the violent struggle over land use between landowners in Laikipia, Kenya, who trace their properties back four generations, and the pastorialists, who have been herding...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary, A New Kind of Wildnerness, about a father shepherding his young children through a terrible loss. Emerging themes include death from illness (cancer), grief and loss, family, fatherhood, siblings vs step...
Wonder and Kent discuss the three part episodic documentary God Save Texas, which focuses on prisons, oil refineries, and the border, underlining the harms caused by each of these foundational institutions in a state which is a bell weather for the...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Daughters, which follows four young girls as they prepare for a special father daughter dance with their incarcerated fathers. Themes that emerged were exile and punishment, loss of innocence, fatherhood and...
Wonder and Kent discuss the experimental documentary Realm of Satan which is a shifting kaleidoscope of satanic imagery featuring satanists set against rich backdrops curated by ritual and imagination. Emerging themes center around taboo worship...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Sugarcane about the reckoning on the Sugarcane reserve following an investigation into abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school. Emerging themes include intergenerational trauma visited upon...