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Episode 36

#66: Eternal You

Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary, Eternal You, which tracks new and emerging technologies designed to keep our loved ones with us beyond death, thereby carving out whole new peaks in the uncanny valleys left by our digital footprints...

Episode 19

#49: Bob’s Funeral

Kent and Wonder discuss the non-fiction short, Bob’s Funeral, a funny and touching story of two family funerals told in first-person by filmmaker, Jack Dunphy. Emerging themes include generational humor, generational trauma, the way that humor...

Episode 10

#40: Daughters

Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Daughters, which follows four young girls as they prepare for a special father daughter dance with their incarcerated fathers. Themes that emerged were exile and punishment, loss of innocence, fatherhood and...

Episode 2

#32: Sugarcane

Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Sugarcane about the reckoning on the Sugarcane reserve following an investigation into abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school. Emerging themes include intergenerational trauma visited upon...