Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary The Remarkable Life of Ibelin using the untimed birth charts of both the director, Benjamin Ree, and his subject, Mats Steen. Themes that emerge are living with a fatal degenerative disease, living a secret...
Wonder and Kent discuss the innovative participatory experience, Being (the Digital Griot), which features an AI run on datasets from Black communities, theorists, poets, and activists. Being leads community discussions designed to both challenge...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Union, the story of the Amazon Labor Union, using the untimed astrological charts of its founder, Chris Smalls. Striking themes that came up were the overthrowing of an old, established guard, and the...
Wonder and Kent discuss the innovative non-fiction film, Seeking Mavis Beacon, about an elusive search for the Black woman behind the eponymous AI assistant who taught millions of people how to type in the 80’s. Emerging themes include the...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat which covers the political machinations behind the 1961 assassination of Congolese leader, Patrice Lumumba. Emerging themes include secret plots, obfuscation, Jazz as a visual...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary As We Speak, which explores the weaponization of rap lyrics in the criminal justice system. Emerging themes include how, exactly, the pen is mightier than the sword, the power of speech and who gets to use it...
Wonder and Kent discuss the experimental documentary Realm of Satan which is a shifting kaleidoscope of satanic imagery featuring satanists set against rich backdrops curated by ritual and imagination. Emerging themes center around taboo worship...