Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary The Remarkable Life of Ibelin using the untimed birth charts of both the director, Benjamin Ree, and his subject, Mats Steen. Themes that emerge are living with a fatal degenerative disease, living a secret...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary, Eternal You, which tracks new and emerging technologies designed to keep our loved ones with us beyond death, thereby carving out whole new peaks in the uncanny valleys left by our digital footprints...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Igualada using politician Francia Marquez’s untimed birth chart. Emerging themes include charismatic politicians able to speak directly to the people, the efforts of such a leader attempting to overturn...
Kent and Wonder discuss the documentary Union, the story of the Amazon Labor Union, using the untimed astrological charts of its founder, Chris Smalls. Striking themes that came up were the overthrowing of an old, established guard, and the...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk using politician and activist Harvey Milk’s timed birth chart. Themes that emerged were the power of community organizing to make a difference, sometimes well beyond your own...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Sue Bird: In The Clutch using the untimed birth chart of the subject of the biopic, WNBA player, Sue Bird. Themes that emerge are the powerful determination and unswerving optimism matched with the talent it...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Frida using the timed birth chart of artist Frida Kahlo. Themes that emerge are the desire to create beauty and meaning out of loss and darkness, the need to exert one’s autonomy in the face of near...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Skywalkers: A Love Story, using the untimed chart of one of the main protagonists: rooftopper Angela Nikolau. Striking themes that emerged were creating art inside a typically rugged and sporty profession...
Wonder and Kent discuss the documentary Luther: Never Too Much using an untimed birth chart for Luther Vandross. Emerging themes include love songs and the people who sing them, and the search for meaning when we are filled with sorrow...
Wonder and Kent discuss the experimental narrative film, Tendaberry, a poignant coming of age film centering a young, mixed race woman living in New York. Emerging themes include the forging pressures of new responsibilities and freedoms, the...